For the hostess

July 14, 2023

  Welcome to the Hostess Gift Guide! We all have that friend or family member who is ready to drop everything and host a house full of people at any given moment! This guide is full of thoughtful gifts that make hosting pretty and easy. Solo cup holder – actually really cutie! Susan Gordon Pottery […]

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Welcome to the Hostess Gift Guide! We all have that friend or family member who is ready to drop everything and host a house full of people at any given moment! This guide is full of thoughtful gifts that make hosting pretty and easy.

Solo cup holder – actually really cutie!

Susan Gordon Pottery bowl -This is such a beautiful, unique gift!

Cheeseboard and Knife Set – You can’t go wrong gifting a cheese board and knife set!

Pura bundle – The Pura is is such a fun luxury air freshener to gift! It has so many favorite scents like Capri Blue Volcano, and can be controlled from your phone.

Barefoot dreams blankethere’s a dupe! The softest, most giftable blanket ever!

Mackenzie Childs Tea Kettle – A beautiful heirloom piece and so sweet to display in your kitchen. This one is another great option that is way less expensive if you still wanted to gift a beautiful kettle

These beautiful coasters – Perfect for the hostess in your life!

Kitchenaid mixer– This is probably my #1 must have kitchen item and would be such a special gift for someone that doesn’t have one! You could easily make this a group gift too!

Capri Blue Volcano candle – I grab these every year to gift to the ladies in my life. They just expect it now, which I love! I’ve never met someone who doesn’t love Volcano!

This beautiful butter dish – Such cute gift to keep on the counter!

Handwritten recipe tea towel – Would be so good for a family favorite recipe (you know the one).

Personalized recipe plate – Same idea as the tea towel, just on a plate! You could easily hang this in a dining room as a part of gallery wall to display too.

Nespresso Vertuso deluxe coffee maker – we have this coffee maker (have used for the last 5 years and LOVE)!

Milk frother and steamer – For the drink lover in your life! Combine this with the Nespresso or gif it alone. You can do so many things with a milk frother, too!

Countertop Nugget Ice maker – Truly the gift that keeps on giving for the nugget ice lover!

Custom wine tote – with their fave bottle of wine, duh!

Acrylic napkin holder – Such a chic way to store napkins!

Smartphone Polaroid printer – We love this to print pictures straight from our phones to hang up! There’s nothing better than a printed out picture.

Marble cookbook stand – Gift this alone or pair with a cookbook you love! I always love gifting Feast and Forrest. It’s beautiful and has so many easy recipes and the author illustrated it herself, too!

Google nest hub – A huge help in the kitchen, doubles as a digital frame and can be a speaker, too!

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

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