
What I Packed in My Hospital Bag

April 1, 2021

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What I Packed in My Hospital Bag
I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


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Let's take a swing at this together! I'm spilling all of the secrets in my course!

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I’m using this bag to pack and have loved the structure and different pockets for easy access to things!

A quick tip: set your hospital bag things aside when packing and have whoever is going to the hospital with you pack the bag so they know/remember where everything is and can access it for you in case you’re unavailable!


-Makeup wipes – easy to wash face from bed if needed + feel clean again (used)
-Shampoo – for that first shower (Used)
-Conditioner (used)
-Hairbrush (used to brush out my rats nest after 34 hours of labor )
-Lip balm/chapstick – I’ve heard to bring it for pushing because labor dries out your lips (used!)
-Socks – some hospitals are particular about the type of socks (non-slip is best) (was so hot the whole time, only wore for like 2 hours)
-Uggs – My fave shoes (feet so swollen, didn’t fit haha)
-Pajamas – Button-up is best so you have easy access for skin-to-skin and breastfeeding (yes!! Used)
-Robe – another good option for all the check-ins they’ll do postpartum (used)
-Hair ties (used)
-Nipple butter (this is the one I’m using and love)
-Nursing bras (used these – super cheap and work really well!)
-I’ve heard to skip undies since they’ll give you some to wear unless you have a fave type you want to bring (true!)
-Dry shampoo (used)
-Deodorant (used)
-Plastic sandals or flipflops (for shower shoes) (didn’t use)
-Makeup (used, very minimal)
-Going home outfit – something super comfy and loose.


-Extension cord – in case there aren’t many plugs (didn’t use)
-Tripod – we plan to take a few family pictures while we’re there and want something to set up the camera on (used)
-Blanket – for Thomas and something cozy from home (used)
-Pillows – if you have a pillow preference, bring yours! The hospital ones can be super thin (used, so grateful to have had them)
-Empty bag to bring stuff home – they’ll give you so much stuff while you’re there, we want to pack a reusable grocery bag or something to be able to take it all home with us (used)
Breastfeeding pillow – good to start practicing! (Used – love this one!)
Baby book – for footprints (used)
-Name sign – in case you wanted to announce the name of the baby with a picture (used)
-Speaker – I made a labor playlist and would want something to play it on (didn’t use)
Polaroid – want to remember these moments forever (used)
-Camera (used)
-SD card (used)
-Chargers – don’t forget! You’ll want to update the family! (Used – bought this pack)
-Portable sound machine – in case you or your baby need it (used for us, we could hear other rooms celebrating which was so sweet but hard to sleep through)
-Snacks – for hubby and when I get hungry (USED!)
-Prenatal vitamins – some people told me not to take them since they’ll give me some there but I really love my gummies I’ve been taking and am a big wimp with pills so…
-Towels – I’m a towel snob and would love my own towel from home (used!)


-Baby blanket (used)
-Baby mittens (used)
-Baby socks (used)
-Swaddles (used)
-Baby hat (we brought one too big)
-Outfits for baby (2) – one for pictures, one to go home. Other than that, we plan to just have him in a diaper and swaddle (we didn’t use the outfits we had picked out because he was too small for newborn clothes and only fit into preemie outfits)
-Car seat – must have to leave the hospital (used)

Wish I had brought preemie outfits just in case!

Also, I had thrown lavender oil in my bag last minute and I’m so glad I did!

They put me on an oxygen mask the last part of labor to help baby during contractions. With that and the pushing and breathing through contractions, my throat was so sore and dry. I was only able to have ice chips, which didn’t help. I wish I had brought cough drops or something to soothe my throat afterward.

This isn’t something to bring but it’s something that helped during labor – affirmations. We had these on our phone, Thomas read me affirmations from here, but there are cards you can read through, too.

Everything else medicine-wise, postpartum care and wipes/diapers will be provided by the hospital, so we’re not bringing them!

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

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I'm Rachel, your online soul sister!

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© rachel awtrey 2022   |  Photos by Jay Barr Photography & Unsplash


