
“As the Seasons Change” by Emily Tew

October 1, 2019

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I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


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Let's take a swing at this together! I'm spilling all of the secrets in my course!

Transition isn’t easy- even when it is packed full of good things!

I remember when I was growing up and the seasons began to change from summer to fall. My mom kept all of mine and my sibling’s out-of-season clothes packed away in the back closet. I knew that the temperatures would soon be shifting when my mom began to unpack that closet each year. I would dread the day when my mom took away my shorts and tanks and replaced them with jeans and coats. It made NO sense to me why, no matter the weather, I could not wear my cute short sleeve shirt and sandals to school every day for the entire year! It wouldn’t be long before I was shivering in the car line after school asking my mom if we could finally pull out those sweatshirts I refused to wear the day before! 

Though I always hated the transition of my wardrobes, I always loved the fun things that fall and winter brought with it. I knew that when the leaves began to fall soon we would be attending Halloween parties, bonfires, and the town fair that came around once a year. To this day, fall is my absolute favorite time of year! As a kid, however, I was faced every year with having to understand that with the fun and exciting transition of seasons, came the dreaded change of swimsuits to sweaters. 

A light-hearted way of viewing transition, but many times transition in life is just the same- full of good things, but equally full of difficult changes that are not always so easy to grow used to. 

So, here’s a bit about me and my life right now: I’m engaged (Woohoo!) I just became an aunt (Awww!) I’m about to graduate college (Yipee!) And I’m oftentimes an emotional wreck (what?!) Change is H A R D. 

There have been several instances in the last few months where I have been so excited and anxious for the new to set in, yet find myself crying over the old that I will soon, in some ways, leave behind. In that place, I’ve felt guilty. It’s kept me from being in the here and now of where the Lord has me. It’s caused my focus to be shifted and my energy to be drained.

I was encouraged by a friend of mine to begin reading through the Psalms. I haven’t made it too far into the book at all and have already realized a trend throughout the author of each Psalm is very transparent. Sometimes after reading a verse I think to myself, “Why would he say that?! Doesn’t he know who he is praying this to?” But here’s the thing, friend: David knew who he was talking to. Many times David will begin a Psalm crying out over a certain issue or concern he has and ends it rejoicing over his renewed and restored vision of who God is and what He has promised. 

For me, there’s been a lot of comfort in the reminder that I can come to the Lord just as I am and He wants to listen, love, and care for me as my Abba Father and remind me who He is.

These transitions that are taking place in my life bring up a lot- thankfulness, worry, excitement, joy, and fear to name a few. I can come before my God with all of those things, as jumbled up and messy as they are, and He knows exactly what I need – Himself. 

There’s a lot of “stuff” changing in my life like moving to a new town, becoming a wife, being further away from family, and starting a full-time career. I’m so thankful for how the Lord is working and moving in my life in all of these different avenues, but more so than that, I am thankful for who He is- that He is never changing! I am thankful for the promises that this world is not my home. Although these things that we transition in and out of in  our lives and the seasons that we transition through throughout our lives are very real to us, and very much supposed to be walked through for the glory of the Lord, they are only of this world. Our eternal hope is not in the success of all things in our lives- but in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Two things to reflect on:

1. The Lord cares for you. All your mess. All your emotions. All your questions and fears. He cares. Come before Him and dig into the Scriptures to know how He can reassure you in His love, and comfort you in His promises. Even when you don’t know how to piece it together for yourself, He hears you and He cares for you! He is our Father, and we are His children! Praise God for that!


2. Look at what is yet to come. Yes, these things that we face in life are important and we should not neglect to live for the Lord in all things He gives us. But, we must not forget where we are headed. We must not forget our eternal purpose and our eternal home. What would change if we practiced living this life- and all it’s crazy seasons that it brings- through the lens of the impending return of our Father and our eternity with Him? That is our hope. That is our confidence. That is our sure strength in and out of every season, no matter how crazy they may be!

Love, Em

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

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