Welcome to my holiday sales master list! I’ll keep this page updated with sales as they come up from some of my favorite shops so save and bookmark this page, come back and keep refreshing! If you want a full gift guide for anyone in your life, you can check out a ton of different […]
I wish I could be just a phone call away, your next door neighbor or in a small group together. But, since we're not, I love finding ways to help you (and each other) here online. *big hugs*
Headed to South Carolina for a birthday weekend! Planning on being basic with a capital “B” and I don’t hate it ✨
It’s true! It’s true! If you know anything about me, you know that I love a good sale and I love sharing it with friends! So, here you go! Old Navy is hosting their Friends and Family sale but quick! It ends Sunday, November 4 at the end of the day! If you missed it, […]
Starting to indulge in alll of the Fall things since it’s starting to feel a little less crispy over here! Crushing hard on this sweater/sweatshirt! shop this outfit
shop this outfit When you look in the mirror, I hope you feel strong.Not because of how “fit” or “tone” you are. Not because of the size of your jeans or how many rings you completed on your Apple Watch that day (guilty).But because of how our bodies were created to live, because of what our […]
shop this outfit Liiiiiike maybe if we buy all of the fall things, it may decide to come sooner?Can’t stay away from the seasonal flowers, candles, pumpkins and colors even though it’s still 90° here in Birmingham. Ugh. My b.
I’ve partnered with my friends at @8.28boutique to give you a discount code, RACHEL15 for 15% off their entire site + there’s always FREE SHIPPING yay! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ shop this outfit
Websites and blogging and podcasts, oh my!I feel like my heart + mind still work in “semesters” so I’m pumped for this “new year” and the excuse to buy random school supplies. It’s the simple things. ✏️ shop this outfit
These pants have been perfect for the more dressy-casual look because they’re linen and soooo breathable in the heat.PLUS they’re 40% off right now shop this outfit
Trying to wear this white ruffled wrap (say that 5 times fast ) dress as much as I can before Labor Day because I still don’t know how I feel about the “rule.”Are you a follower of the white after Labor Day “rule” or a rebel?I’d love to know! shop this outfit
For the mama that isn't quite sure where to start, needs a little input or for those who just need a list!
I've been where you are: a tad bit overwhelmed with all of the baby things! Like, how do you keep up?! I kept getting ads for all types of baby products and just added all of them to my registry with no real plan. So, now that I'm one year into motherhood, let me chime in and help ya!
Hey, mama!
Check this out!