
28 Things I’ve Learned in 28 Years

February 2, 2023

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I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


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It’s crazy to think that I’ve taken 28 trips around the sun yet here we are. My birthday is actually January 5th but over the last month I’ve been reflecting on some of the valuable, practical, and sometimes silly lessons I’ve learned throughout my adult years. I’m going to share them with you here, and if you want to take a peek back at last year’s you can click here! If you’re a podcast girly, you can also listen to this on your favorite podcast platform here!

  1. Houseplants are just the best– They bring life into any space and are instant decor that actually serves a purpose! Specifically I love Snake plants and Ivy because they’re so easy to care for.

  2. Say “yes” to help even if it seems like it could end up being a burden to you or them– There is no greater joy in life than getting to serve others well so when people offer to help, let them! You’re likely fulfilling them while also getting what you need as well. It’s a win, win.

  3. Stay away from “Dr. Google”– Don’t google health things if you can help it. It leads to doomsday thinking and just isn’t healthy. For period tracking I use Flo, and I highly recommend reading the book Woman Code!

  4. Honor your body– Over the past couple of years I’ve learned to love my body and listen to what it needs, not make it try and fit into what I think it needs to be based on other people’s standards.

  5. Make a list of things that bring you life when you feel low– A happy list is the best to go back to on a hard day.

  6. Make a list of people that are your Village– Type out the people in your life you know you can go to when you need them. Maybe they’ve offered to cook a meal, watch your dog, snuggle your babies so you can take a shower. Take note. – It’ll be easy to forget who those people are when you need them!

  7. Find meals that work for your family and don’t be afraid to repeat them

  8. Take the picture – Candid if possible! It doesn’t have to be all polished and perfect. The best pictures are often the ones you never planned to take. The snuggles on the couch, the leaf your kid found outside, the quick snap laughing with friends. Those “in the moment” pictures are priceless.

  9. Be careful of what you put in your mind first thing of the day– Don’t head straight to your phone. Fill your mind with wholesome things to set a good intention for the day.

  10. Check your expectations– I have learned that almost 100% of the time we are disappointed because of missed expectations. Check in with yourself, partner, or friends about expectations before things happen to save a lot of heartache.

  11. Let emotions run through your body – Are you sad? cry. anxious? shake it out – it only takes 90 seconds for an emotion to run through you for you to “regulate”. It’s true. Just try it!

  12. Get savvy! Trade, find ways to serve someone else for example: if I need a date night, we can swap date nights with another couple that has kids. Don’t let money be an excuse why you can’t do something.

  13. It’s crazy what being outside can do for your heart and mind! We’ve been adding up our hours for the 1000 hours outside challenge and it’s been so good for us. You can read more about 1000 hours outside here!

  14. Be kind to yourself- I’ve been filtering my thoughts thinking “would I say this to a friend?” and thinking with that perspective. If it’s kind and valuable I’ll use it to encourage me and if it’s not, I’ll toss it out.

  15. Don’t google a medical question – Ask a medical professional.

  16. When you experience lack of peace or some sort of anxiety, ask yourself what it is about this circumstance that has propelled those feelings and find ways to work around them or get rid of them.

  17. Look at your schedule and figure out what stressors there are and solve those problems. Example: i keep socks downstairs so when I’m in a rush I don’t have to run upstairs to grab them. I make lunches the night before so mornings aren’t crunched.

  18. If you think something kind, say it- Chances are the recipient needs to hear it.

  19. There’s nothing wrong with a brown kitchen. There. I said it.

  20. Spending time with Jesus isn’t about learning more about ourselves, it’s about getting to know God. In return, we’ll find things to love about ourselves too.

  21. Spending time with Jesus isn’t about learning something new, it’s about finding intimacy with Him.

  22. I’ve stopped looking at food as bad food, good food, cheat food, junk food, healthy food, etc. I look at it as food that will fuel me well and food that’s just fun. You can’t live just off of fun, and only living off of fuel isn’t fun. We need both.

  23. Always carry a charger and snacks with you at all times. I love this portable charger because it plugs straight into the wall when it’s dead and has a cord for an iPhone right on it!

  24. Carry a book with you– For those down times at doctors waiting rooms, waiting on a prescription to be filled, waiting for your grocery pickup, etc. It’s more fun than scrolling, I promise. 24.5: join your local library. Get a library card.

  25. Finding a playlist that’s made of songs from your highschool era is actually healing to listen to and so much fun!

  26. Voicemails and voice memos are superior. Everyone needs to get on board with this! I always get so excited about listening to them. Sometimes I forget to respond but they’re still so fun! If you DM me on Instagram, I often respond with voice memos too!

  27. Silence is okay. It’s surprisingly comforting to pause and enjoy the absence of noise.

  28. Get the guac or queso. Always splurge at the Mexican restaurant!

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

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I'm Rachel, your online soul sister!

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© rachel awtrey 2022   |  Photos by Jay Barr Photography & Unsplash


