
Maddex’s First Birthday Party

March 22, 2022

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I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


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Let's take a swing at this together! I'm spilling all of the secrets in my course!

I cannot believe we’re already at the point where we’re celebrating one year of Maddex! It’s been a wild year with our family doing several military moves and lots of traveling so when we were deciding where to have his birthday party, it was no brainer that we’d do this with family and friends back in South Carolina. The details were so much fun and we landed () on an airplane theme since that’s what our family knows best right now hahaha

Thanks to some online friends over on Instagram, we chose “Time Flies” and went with alllll of the airplane puns and decor. I’ll link it all for you below!

We picked up cupcakes from Cupcake Down South on Lincoln Street downtown Columbia and they were a hit! There were several flavors: banana pudding (SO YUM!), red velvet cake, birthday cake and chocoloholic! They have so so many more to choose from, including gluten free! They also offer a free children’s birthday cupcake! It’s totally free; parents just sign their children up at (there’s a link on the home page) and each year the child will receive a voucher for a free cupcake of their choice during the month of their birthday! HOW CUTE?! You must stop by!

There was also a hot dog bar, chips, apple sauce pouches for our mini bffs, beverages for adults, plane and cloud shaped pb&js for the kiddos and caprisuns (or “jet fuel” hehe).

The bouncy house was a huge hit! The kids jumped on it the entire time (and so did the adults hehe).
I had so much fun with the decor! We had balloon arches to dress up the outdoors + created “balloon clouds” above tables! We had a kids table with paper airplane making stations and bought a paper airplane game on Amazon that the older kids loved testing their creations on. Big hit!

My sweet mother in law baked the smash cake and Maddex obviously loved it! His little crown was so much fun and he surprisingly loved it and insisted to wear it majority of the time.

One of my favorite parts of the party was the fact that we had Emili Mae Photography there! She captured these photos for us and I’m so so grateful! It’s priceless to have these and I’m so thankful I didn’t have to be behind the camera the entire time.

Whatever your party looks like, I just know it’ll be special! I hope I could provide some inspiration for your precious day celebrating your little one! As always, let me know if you have any questions below. I’d love to hear how you do birthdays in your fam! xoxo

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

more about RACH

I'm Rachel, your online soul sister!

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© rachel awtrey 2022   |  Photos by Jay Barr Photography & Unsplash


