
My Picks for Your New Year’s Habits

January 1, 2024

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I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


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The results are in! Resolutions are out and habits are in! WAHOOO!

As far as habits go, they take a second to form and once they’re formed, they’re craved and recognized when you’ve gone without adhering and I love this! I’m all about habits and if you want to read more about forming habits, the importance of them and some good ones to implement this new year, check out Atomic Habits, one of my favorite books!

Here’s another thing I want us all to remember – a new start doesn’t have to wait until a New Year so the pressure is off to stick with something all year long and if you mess up, to throw it out the window! His mercies are new every morning! This means we get a new start every moment we need one. PRAISE!

If you haven’t seen, “ins” and “outs” lists are trending this year. It’s basically a quick list of things that people want to bring in and leave out in the New Year – love this! I’ve shared mine online here, go check it out!

Okay, back to habits! Here are a few popular ones I’ve seen floating around + a list of a few that you sent in on Instagram when I asked what habits you wanted to form this year (thanks!!):

  • spending time in The Word daily
  • putting my phone away more often/being present as a parent
  • cleaning up/how I eat, meal prepping, etc.
  • finding my people/village

all amazing ones! Here are a few resources (products, books, studies, podcasts, courses, etc.) that I have used and love for each of these. LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER, TEAM!

Spending Time in The Word daily

The Bible Recap has a book, a podcast you can listen to daily and a plan on The Bible App you can follow along to finish the Bible in a year! I love this study in particular because it leads you through the Bible chronologically instead of book by book. This means I can have a clear understanding of what was happening at once, the context of stories we’ve read before and a greater grasp on who God is.

Seamless, my favorite, Bible Study I’ve every done! Truly! Angie Smith, the author, does an incredible job of putting together a study to understand the Bible as a whole story rather than bits and pieces.

Woven, same thing as Seamless really but book form!

Dwell Bible Reading App also has a Bible in a year reading plan!

New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp is another great resource for those that are wanting to have a devotional time everyday. This is a 365 day study with a snippet each morning that you can read about who God is and what living a life with God looks like with further reading if you wanted a little bit more. It’s rich, makes you think and is one of my favorites!

putting my phone away more often/being present as a parent

Aro Phone Box is a really neat way to keep you and your family accountable to put away your phones. It’s a charging box that’s linked to an app. You can use the app to keep track of how many “unplugged” hours you’ve had, set goals, and be kept accountable!

Speaking of “unplugged hours,” my friend Hannah Brencher created a challenge of having 1,000 hours of unplugged time from your phone in a year and it changed her life. Read more about it and download a tracker for your own challenge here: 1,000 Hours Unplugged Challenge

1,000 Hours Outside Challenge is another great way to create memories, teach yourself and littles in your life about the power of nature and regulating your nervous system and I promise you’ll find the most adventures and escape boredom so easily!

cleaning up/how I eat, meal prepping, etc.

Thrive Market is what we use for snacks in our house and we love it! It has amazing alternatives from your favorite snacks that may have some yucky ingredients, it’s easy to navigate and you’ll find yourself saving more money shopping this way compared to going to your health foods store. If you use this link, you can save 40% on your first order!

Hiya Vitamins for your kids is a great way to have your kids get all of their nutrition in for the day despite what they eat. These vitamins in particular are our favorite because they don’t have added sugar, aren’t gummies and they taste like sweet tarts! Maddex loves them! It’s a subscription that keeps you stocked and you keep the same bottle and refill with the bag of new vitamins they send you – how neat! We use the multivitamin and probiotic vitamin for Maddex.

Breaking Free From Body Shame is an incredible book for those of you that want to change the way you eat to lose weight or to change the way you look. My friend Jess Connolly has a way with words and wrote this book for you!

finding my people/village

Find Your People by Jennie Allen

Make your list! Seriously, I have a list on my phone of people that can help with different parts of my life when I’m in need: pets, kids, home, keep me company, play dates, run an errand, meals, etc. It has been so helpful and has given life to my relationships because people love to help!

Start loving/serving others – check out this post I did about how to love your friends well once they’ve had a baby. I find it really helpful!

I’d love to hear it all from you: your ins and outs for 2024, your habits you’re wanting to form, your fave resources, all of it! Comment below to share with all of our friends who read!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! Praying it’s a year full of fruit and joy and you can’t help but see God’s goodness all around you.

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

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I'm Rachel, your online soul sister!

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