
Meet the Newest Addition to the Team! | Jessica McNabb

January 23, 2018

Let's Talk Strollers! - Which One(s) We Use and Why
Shop My Favorite Skincare
What I Packed in My Hospital Bag
I'm  Rachel!

As a mama, wife, and blogger I lead conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "hey, I've been there too!"


Ready to Start that Podcast of Yours?

stay tuned!

Let's take a swing at this together! I'm spilling all of the secrets in my course!

I recently hired an intern because #life and I loved the idea of having someone else apart of my process giving a fresh outlook, helping with graphics, meeting for coffee. I needed a “right-hand girl” when it came to all things blog related and this addition has been exactly that (and more). I wanted to introduce you to the girl behind the scenes, the one that carries props, brainstorms with me, and brings some of the coolest ideas to you guys!

Meet Jess.

Where are you from?

Birmingham, Alabama  


Where do you go to school? What are you studying?

I am currently a Junior at Samford University and I am a Journalism and Mass Communication major focusing on Public Relations, Advertising, and Business!  


What’s your dream job?

When I graduate I would love to work for an Advertising firm and do some traveling, but the ultimate dream would be to someday own and run my own wedding photography business.


 What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?

If I am not binge-watching something on Netflix, you will most likely find me at OrangeTheory Fitness or trying a New Mexican restaurant with my friends.


 Any Netflix faves?

Grey’s Anatomy and Friends are my all time favorites and I can sit down and watch them over and over, but my current obsession is The Crown.


How do you like your coffee?

Plain and simple, just black. Occasionally I will spoil myself and get a vanilla latte.


Apple Music or Spotify?

Spotify is definitely my go-to.


Favorite playlist?

I tend to hop around on my music choices depending on what I am feeling that day, but my current favorites are “Confidence Boost” and “Hot Country” by Spotify. They are always adding new songs which keeps it new and fun!


Your favorite thing to snack on?

Chips and queso, for sure.


What’s something someone might not know about you?

When I was little my parents were missionaries in Thailand, so my two sisters and I were all born in Thailand and have Thai birth certificates! We moved back to the States when I was three and have been based in Birmingham pretty much ever since.


What are you looking forward to most during your time as an intern?

I am so excited to start working with Rachel! I love the blogging world and meeting new creatives, brainstorming, and trying new products. I can’t wait to start helping plan photoshoots and new projects with Rachel, partnering with her as she grows her brand.


Where can we find more of you?

On Instagram @jessica.mcnabb or Pinterest @Jessica McNabb

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  1. Teresa says:

    AWESOME!! So excited for both of you!

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I am an online encourager based out of Birmingham, AL that's obsessed with my girls and sharing bits and pieces of my life. I wear a lot of hats these days including mama to two boys, military wife, blogger, podcast host and more. You can find me behind the microphone at Real Talk with Rach where we talk about everything from jeans to Jesus, playlists to pop culture, the good and the grief and everything in between. 

more about RACH

I'm Rachel, your online soul sister!

hey there!

so hot right now

© rachel awtrey 2022   |  Photos by Jay Barr Photography & Unsplash


