Welcome to my holiday sales master list! I’ll keep this page updated with sales as they come up from some of my favorite shops so save and bookmark this page, come back and keep refreshing! If you want a full gift guide for anyone in your life, you can check out a ton of different […]
I wish I could be just a phone call away, your next door neighbor or in a small group together. But, since we're not, I love finding ways to help you (and each other) here online. *big hugs*
About today’s episode… In today’s episode, Mary Scott and Rachel talk with Bri McKoy! Bri is a military wife, food blogger and the author of the book “Come and Eat: A Celebration of Love and Grace Around the Everyday Table.” Bri is a serious JOY BOMB! We talk about everything from hosting vs. entertaining to […]
If you bopped on here from Dwell605’s cookie blog post, I am so thrilled that you are here and hope you leave with one more cookie recipe for your cheery season! It’s that time of year: Christmas cookies, cookie swaps and all things sweet! I don’t know about you but I find myself scrambling, resulting […]
This one may be our favorite to make for a few reasons:
1. So super cheap
2. It’s fail-proof – it’s really hard to mess this one up
3. You can make the whole dish in one skillet so it’s a super easy cleanup
4. It’s gluten free + dairy free SO if you’re on a diet or need these restrictions (or even if not) it’s a yummy yummy option!
5. It takes 15 minutes until dinner is on the table
If you don’t agree that the thought of your husband picking up the fork with a steaming creation inching closer (in slow motion) to his mouth gives you a little anxiety, you’re either 1. Paula Deen, herself or 2. completely confident. I, at first, was not either of the above to be honest. Thomas has […]
For the mama that isn't quite sure where to start, needs a little input or for those who just need a list!
I've been where you are: a tad bit overwhelmed with all of the baby things! Like, how do you keep up?! I kept getting ads for all types of baby products and just added all of them to my registry with no real plan. So, now that I'm one year into motherhood, let me chime in and help ya!
Hey, mama!
Check this out!