All Things Black Friday 2024!

Welcome to my holiday sales master list! I’ll keep this page updated with sales as they come up from some of my favorite shops so save and bookmark this page, come back and keep refreshing! If you want a full gift guide for anyone in your life, you can check out a ton of different […]

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My Fave Chicken and Dumplings Recipe!


How to Take Your Friendships to the Next Level With Justin Whitmel Earley | FRIENDSHIP SERIES

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Start Liking Your Life with Sara Hagerty 

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Glowy Skin (Even in Wintertime!) Routine


You aren't meant to do
life alone.

I wish I could be just a phone call away, your next door neighbor or in a small group together. But, since we're not, I love finding ways to help you (and each other) here online. *big hugs*

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Everyone loves to talk about babies but it’s easy to feel a bit lost when it comes to all things postpartum! After having 2 babies I have some favorites you need to know about to make your postpartum journey just a little bit easier. This Nipple Butter- I am not kidding you when I say […]

Postpartum Essentials


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I’ve been at this mom of 2 thing for a few weeks now and I can confidently share some products that are worth it to buy or put on your registry whether you’re expecting your first or you’re a seasoned mama! The bottom line is some things are worth the splurge for quality or convenience […]

Newborn Essentials I Can’t Stop Talking About


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about this episode Today’s episode is a special one because baby Oliver is HERE! Thomas is joining me to replay our labor and delivery story and experience of our Oliver Wells being brought into the world! We are sharing the wild story of his birth, a lot of things that were helpful for me,  what […]

Oliver’s Birth Story with Rachel and Thomas | Episode 217

Real Talk

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About this episode Today’s episode is SO fun and I’m so excited to welcome back one of my favorite guests (and yours), Thomas!!! We are catching up about what life’s been like since we moved back to Birmingham, taking our thoughts captive, not being afraid of what others think of our decisions, the arrival of […]

HEY THOMAS! Deleting Instagram, Cracker Barrel & Catching Up with Rachel and Thomas | Episode 212

Real Talk

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We are getting so close to welcoming baby Awtrey number two into the world! I’m finding myself making lists and getting all the things ready for little one’s arrival and I want to share exactly what I’m doing with you! I actually have a whole podcast episode you can listen into where I explain each […]

10 Things I’m Doing To Prepare for Baby #2


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It’s always so much fun to spoil my friends becoming mamas! There are lots of fun ways to do this that go beyond a baby shower gift but baby shower gifts don’t have to be lame and can be super fun! Here are my tricks: Grab a smaller basket rather than a bag + tissue […]

Baby Shower Basket Ideas


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We actually enjoy mealtime with Maddex! I think that’s because of several things so I wanted to share them with you! 1. We’ve been using the Baby Lead Weaning process with Maddex since he was 6 months old and we have loved it. If you’re not familiar with BLW, it’s a process that almost skips […]

Maddex’s Mealtime Favorites


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Okay mama, I think this is the most popular question I get: “what stroller situation do you recommend?” And while everyone’s situation and needs are different, this is what I find recommending most of my friends so I figured I’d give you the low down, too! For cost efficiency, logistics and overall ease (and aesthetically […]

Let’s talk strollers!


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Diaper bags are great for carrying everything for baby on trips as a carryon through the airport or when you’re packing them for the day away at a babysitter’s or day care. I have been using the Fawn Design bag and I love it! I love the pockets, the way it zips, the fact it’s […]

What’s in My Diaper Bag


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For the mama that isn't quite sure where to start, needs a little input or for those who just need a list!

I've been where you are: a tad bit overwhelmed with all of the baby things! Like, how do you keep up?! I kept getting ads for all types of baby products and just added all of them to my registry with no real plan. So, now that I'm one year into motherhood, let me chime in and help ya!

My Baby Registry Guide

Hey, mama!
Check this out!

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